Thursday, April 1, 2010


So the last couple days I had to write a testimonial and provide pics to my personal trainer for his website. As I was writing this and taking update pictures, even though the scale shows it, not enough physical transformation. I have made some muscular gains though. Here is part of the testimonial:

"So you may thinking to yourself, 50lbs in a little less than a year? That's all? Anyone who remotely has gone through transformations know this hasn't been easy.  Why you may ask? Well I am glad you want to know. Life friends. When you lead such a busy life sometimes you fall of the wagon. Sickness, having a full rigorous sechedule, kids, and just plain ole setbacks. I imagined having lost a 100lbs by then. It just didnt't happen. Don't get me wrong 50lbs is a decent number, but it is not my goal. Could I have avoided a few things that held me back? Most certainly, but sickness was not one, and I was sick quite often over the winter. Full-time school and work does get in the way. I was fully dedicated to Dave's plan for 8 out of the last 12months. I forsee another 6 months of hard work, I can knock off another 50lbs. Even with all that was thrown at me, I still managed to put up a respectable loss, just now have to go even harder."

Do work son!

1 comment:

  1. 50 pounds is a hellofalot to lose in a year! Being sick on top of it pretty much amazing! You will fly through the next 6 months no problem!
    I love the hrase "Do work son!" we use it alot around here :)
