Friday, April 16, 2010

Alexyss K Tylor

In case anyone needs some humorous sex education, here ya go. WARNING: EXPLICIT!!!!! Funny tho! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Healthcare Rant

Ya know I am really ticked bout this healthcare talk lately. Damn republicans, sorry if you are reading and you are republican, but it must be said. All the hootin and hollerin going on about this healthcare reform. I sure am not hearing alternative ideas to what has been brought to the table. I mean lets be real here.

Ya know I am affected by healthcare greatly. I take several medications daily just to exist. I think this reform is necessary. I believe many of ppl scream no are not even really affected by the current system. We need change with the current system. Do I like all parts of it? No, but start is better than no change at all. Let's get with it people and stop this business as usual attitude in government and become more progressive. Sometimes out contrary can be so backwards.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


So the last couple days I had to write a testimonial and provide pics to my personal trainer for his website. As I was writing this and taking update pictures, even though the scale shows it, not enough physical transformation. I have made some muscular gains though. Here is part of the testimonial:

"So you may thinking to yourself, 50lbs in a little less than a year? That's all? Anyone who remotely has gone through transformations know this hasn't been easy.  Why you may ask? Well I am glad you want to know. Life friends. When you lead such a busy life sometimes you fall of the wagon. Sickness, having a full rigorous sechedule, kids, and just plain ole setbacks. I imagined having lost a 100lbs by then. It just didnt't happen. Don't get me wrong 50lbs is a decent number, but it is not my goal. Could I have avoided a few things that held me back? Most certainly, but sickness was not one, and I was sick quite often over the winter. Full-time school and work does get in the way. I was fully dedicated to Dave's plan for 8 out of the last 12months. I forsee another 6 months of hard work, I can knock off another 50lbs. Even with all that was thrown at me, I still managed to put up a respectable loss, just now have to go even harder."

Do work son!